Shannon Glasson

Shannon Glasson is a photographer from Cronulla, Australia. She has an incredible connection with the ocean and a fearless approach to shooting at heavy, open-ocean reefs. Shannon is a frequent shooter at some of the world's heaviest waves including the notorious 'Shark Island' reef break, Cape Solander aka 'Ours' and the heavy 'Voodoo' reef.

Shannon has overcome a range of setbacks in her short time on this earth. She was born with a severe case of Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) which required heavy surgery between the ages of two to four. Each surgery restricted Shannon to a wheelchair, unable to walk during her early years. Shannon remained in leg plasters until the age of seven when she could freely walk. She was confidently swimming before she even took her first step on dry land.

Shannon was also born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a very rare condition affecting her adrenal glands. Essentially Shannon's body does not produce cortisol.

Shannon has captured an extensive collection of incredible images from her local area. She has an inspiring future in photography with goals of travelling to the worlds most intense, dangerous and beautiful waves, capturing mother nature in all her glory.

When you start to question yourself and become disillusioned with where your photography is heading, spending time with Shannon is the perfect cure for any forms of self-loathing. Get on with it, have a good look at yourself, and where you are right now, Shannon does not beat around the bush, a healthy dose of directness puts everything in perspective quick smart, believe me, I have spent some time in Shannon's infectious company - inspirational.

Portrait by: Warren Keelan

Follow the incredible work by Shannon Glasson

Portrait: Warren Keelan


