Life After Lockdown

When we are able to travel again, where’s the first place you want to go? We asked the Coastline Magazine team to nominate their first destination when the world opens up


RUSSELL ORD, photographer: “I have travelled most of this beautiful country with the family; however, on top of my list is exploring the cold waters at the bottom of South Island, New Zealand. Grab an old 4wd and drive down roads/tracks that lead to the ocean and see if there is a pot of gold at the end. It will also be great to practise some newly acquired Wim Hoff methods in the icy creeks.”

TIM BAKER, writer: “Depending when things open up, I’d love to get over to for some late season Indo, ideally at the Kandui Resort in the Mentawais, where I’ve had some of the best surf trips of my life. Before lockdown I did a couple of trips on the Indies Trader 3 with Martin Daly through Melanesia and would love to get back there too, to check out some of his recent discoveries. If the Australia/New Zealand travel bubble happens soon enough, I’d jump at some spring skiing in Queenstown. Or if it happens a bit later, I’d be keen to get back to Hawaii before I’m too old and decrepit to have a solid dig over there.”

FELICITY PALMATEER, pro surfer, artist: “I’ve been wanting to go and surf Cloudbreak for a very long time. I’ve been to Fiji but only the Coral Coast. I really want to get a proper Cloudbreak swell.”

WAYNE “RABBIT” BARTHOLOMEW, 1978 world champion: “The first destination I’d like to go to if it was all good, I’d like to get on a plane and go to Jeffreys Bay. It would be so good to ride the wave at Supertubes and hang out at the Point. You feel like you’re at the end of the earth. Even though it’s built up in the town, it still feels raw. You’ve got that scent from the flora on the headland. You look out and see sea life every single day and it’s just a majestic looking place and when the swell rolls in its magical.”

RICHIE LOVETT, former world tour surfer, designer/shaper, all-round product expert: “Back to Paradise is where you’ll find me when the world of aviation finally opens up. Hawaii has always been a super special place for me, not only during the Northern Hemi swell period when The Rock gets pounded with swells, and not because I’ve had success there during my ‘Pro Surfer’ days, but mainly for the Aloha vibes and the good energy you feel from the locals. To be honest, I generally avoid the popular wave breaks, and opt for the lesser known waves that can be equally as fun, but scarcely populated. Pretty hard to beat watching the sun go down after a long day of surfing while sipping on a cocktail… Yep, Hawaii’s at the top of my list.”

RY CRAIKE, pro surfer, fisherman: “I kind of want to stay around here (Kalbarri, WA). I probably wouldn’t mind going back to the Mentawais or Tahiti on a big boat. If I had my own big yacht, that would be the dream, and sail up to the Mentawais.”


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RACHAEL TILLY, world longboard champion:  “I’ve been missing home heaps lately and they’re just getting into their good season with summer, warm water, and south swell. Home for me is San Clemente, California, and as much as I have felt lucky to be on the Gold Coast throughout lockdown, I can’t wait to see my family again and share some waves with my dad and brother.”


JARRASON BITTON, videographer: “I took a trip to the Mentawai Islands last year and stayed at Kandui Resort with the rest of The Surfboard Warehouse team. I’m gunning to get back over there, we had the best time surfing, boating around the many islands and fishing in our free time.” 


NEV HYMAN, legend shaper: “I’d love to get to Morocco or Peru with my kids. I don’t want to be with the masses going to the standard spots in Mentawai’s since I’m guessing it will be so crowded once restrictions ease and I’ve done enough of dealing with that kind of crowded frustration in my time. I’d love to find a place that is more off the grid and I just get a few months surfing with my kids and only a few other people out.”

BEAU YOUNG, two-time world longboard champion, shaper: "I'm really looking forward to heading back to Europe, castles by the beach and horses on the sand. Immersing myself in the old-world history, seeing old friends and enjoying cold perfect waves!"


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